Saturday, September 12, 2009


We conducted observation on our teaching "Intensive English Language level 1" to KEMAS Penang (graduate teachers) from 8-10 September 2009. We went to Tabika Kemas and observe their usage of English Language in giving instruction and interact with the kids. They are somewhat very shy to use the language. If given more training and practise, I'm sure this problem can easily be solved. Their vocabs are not much and grammatical errors that were so obvious. 5-days training are not enough. Continous training, guidance and mentors are needed to enhance their capacities. They need someone to refer to (in this case-a coach) with regard to English language.

Although during the class that was held in July - Aug showed that they favoured the teachers from our training centre and love the way our trainers committed to them during the sessions, without their continous learning and interest to enhance their own mastery in the language, the training left meaningless.

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